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Developed by:

YummyYummyTummy &

Tamatin Entertainment

Robo Frenzy blends factory and machine building from games like Satisfactory or the Incredible Machine with the thrill of big battles from Monster Hunter styled as a playable Saturday morning cartoon from the ‘90s.

Each battle against enormous electronics come to life is a chance for you to hack, slash, and shape the environment by creating ingenious combinations of weapons, factories, and traps.


Please introduce your studio and the members working on Robo Frenzy. 

Heya, I’m Spencer, the director at YummyYummyTummy. Our team is developing Robo Frenzy with Tamatin Entertainment. Yodi, Tamatin Entertainment’s founder, and I began our collaboration about five years ago when we started ConnecTank. We operate as a remote team, and the attached photo is from last August when almost of us had the chance to meet in person.

How did you land upon the concept and design of Robo Frenzy? What were your inspirations?

While finishing ConnecTank we joked about a two-headed kaiju invading the game’s world and brainstormed ways we could stop it. Everyone had a different idea from fighting it with a sword, creating a cannon to launch it into the ocean, to constructing a cage to capture it. Hearing these different ideas ignited our imagination – what if we made a sandbox boss battling game. We felt it would be exhilarating for players to experiment with their inventive strategies and harness the power of crafting to defeat a formidable boss

What are your future plans and goals? (Feel free to mention how the grant will aid in achieving these, if applicable.)

We had one kaiju-sized boss and some rudimentary construction elements in the very early prototype of Robo Frenzy we showed to Dangen Entertainment. The grant helped us amplify our original concept. Now, Robo Frenzy has a crafting system where players connect factories together to make a dozen different weapons. After crafting an iron ball or a D20 dice that detonates when it rolls a critical hit, players can combine the hand-made weapons they create with machines they build on the battlefield. They can launch them from a physics-powered cannon or toss them into a spring-loaded giant hand trap to takedown a boss.

We're excited to bring Robo Frenzy to Tokyo Game Show in just a few weeks. If you're attending TGS, we'd love for you to visit us at booth A26 in the indie game section and share your thoughts about our game.

Any final thoughts or message to the gaming world?

The current gaming landscape is witnessing a 'Cambrian explosion' of creativity, with developers globally pioneering new genres like cozy sims, deception games, and bullet heavens. Our aspiration is to blend the satisfaction derived from watching creations in games like 'Satisfactory' or 'The Incredible Machine' seamlessly function with the adrenaline of overcoming a boss in action games like 'Cuphead' or ‘Monster Hunter.’